
Friday, November 17, 2006

The wonderful world of the BBA

From experience I already knew that busses can drive around with maniac bus drivers behind the wheel and can even drive on when one side of the bus has just been smashed into a traffic sign, destroying a large window which is continuing to crumble down further while driving onward, but apparently busses aren’t able to drive on if the doors of the bus aren’t closed. The bus can't drive away if they’re still open, a safety issue. A logical safety issue, except when the doors of the bus refuse to close at all…

After having tried to close the back doors manually and by hand for over 10 minutes our bus driver finally managed to close and lock the doors by brute force. Everyone had to get in and out through the front door, but we were all just glad we could finally drive on again. As long as we kept driving there was no problem, but every single time the bus driver had to stop the bus, -whether it was because of a bus stop, a traffic light or a crossing- the doors jumped open just the slightest bit and the bus would refuse to drive away again. So every time this happened someone had to pull the doors really hard, so they would close again. Until the next time the driver had to stop... It was insane! And if that wasn’t enough the mirror that was hanging near the back doors decided tot come down as well. Luckily enough no-one was standing or sitting near it...

All in all I was home 25 minutes later than usual… I just LOVE the BBA! They must know how much I love them by now, as I’ve sent them 6 complaints during the last month-and-a-half…


Blogger Suus said...

Bussen zijn gewoon kut! Het probleem wat jij hier beschrijft heb ik ook een keer gehad. En weet ik het wat allemaal nog meer met die klote dingen!

Ik neem liever de fiets dan de bus. Hoe hard het ook stormt!

19/11/06 21:34  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

0_0 Manisch!

En bekend, bij ons zijn de deuren ook altijd zo'n issue.

20/11/06 11:12  
Blogger Bart Treuren said...

you were lucky... you could have been sucked into a wormhole and ended up in a totally different part of the universe ;-)

seriously... public transport sucks here in the netherlands and yet it's a lot better than elsewhere... (wonder how they're coping...)

if you're experiencing problems, call the authorities, call the companies and give them an earful... they mightn't be grateful, but they need to listen... :P

keep well

21/11/06 22:17  
Blogger Kara said...

[zeikmodus]"Manually and by hand" is een beetje dubbelop :) [/zeikmodus]

Maar je hebt gelijk, de BBA zorgt er altijd voor dat een busritje avontuurlijk is. Ik moet zeggen dat in Polen nog nooit problemen heb gehad. Die bussen zijn uit het jaar nul, maar ze zijn goed onderhouden, rijden altijd op tijd, en ze hebben zelfs de radio aanstaan :)
Gelukkig ben je er binnenkort vanaf :)

27/11/06 14:09  

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