
Tuesday, July 12, 2005

My thesis (part 1)

These last two weeks I’ve been working extensively on my thesis and it’s slowly getting there. I still have a long way to go, but I’m getting there. Tomorrow morning I have my first meeting with the professor who's assisting me in writing my thesis. I’m terribly curious what he’s going to say about the subject I’ve chosen. I probable won’t be able to get a lot of sleep tonight because it’s always like that when I go to meet a professor. I know there’s absolutely no need to be tense, but I still am. It’s stupid, but that’s just the way I work.

Tomorrow afternoon Mariëlle, my best friend from university, is graduating. I don’t really know what to expect, because it’s the first graduation I go to. At least I’ll know what to expect for my own graduation after having been to someone else’s. She’s one of the first to graduate from our year and I’m really proud of her, so I’m bringing along some small gifts. You may be able to guess what kind of gifts. :)

I have planned to search for literature in the university library in the time between the meeting and the graduation. Nowadays, a lot of literature can be found on the internet, but there’s still lots of other stuff that isn’t available on the internet, unfortunately. So I have my entire day planned for tomorrow. I just hope they have a decent air-conditioning in the library and it won’t be too hot in the bus to and from university. I can always hope…

The next 2,5 months I’m going to work on my thesis on an almost daily basis, so I won’t have a real holiday. That’s okay though, because I don’t mind sitting inside, working behind the computer when it’s 25-35 degrees outside. I just really want to graduate, as quickly as possible. And then, find a nice job, find a nice flat to live in and join the working population. What a lovely prospect.


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