
Thursday, October 26, 2006


Pffff, it’s amazing how much there’s to do, arrange and buy when you’re going to move out and buy your own apartment. Thank God I have a week off next week to arrange and buy as much as possible upfront.

If you have any tips or suggestions about anything; from interior decoration to the daily purchases to cooking for one person to insurances to economical living, please let me know. I can certainly use all the input I can get. I know some of you already have experience with living on your own, so let’s get those suggestions coming!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The biggest problem I find with cooking for one (which I have been practicing for around 25 years), is that you can spend far too much money if you try to buy small amounts of ingredients. I buy enough for a family and cook once a week. OK, so the same thing can get boring, but I prefer to put up with that, to having to find the time too cook every day. Another way is to always cook for 2 or 4 and keep putting the extra meals in the freezer. You'll soon have a selection of meals.

27/10/06 10:27  
Blogger Bart Treuren said...

one thing i've realised across the years is that it's so easy to fill a living space with all the things you think necessary or just wish to have, cluttering up your life and abilities to focus/concentrate...

try to create a place for yourself in which you can feel free, in which you have space to breath emotionally, spiritually and physically... sometimes less is better ;-)

as far as meals are concerned, if you don't have the time, inclination or ability to keep up a well balanced diet, try the student mensa ... i did so 20 years ago when working and studying on the side, excellent (and simple) meals were to be had for 5 guilders

keep well...

keep well..

28/10/06 21:47  
Blogger Juhani said...

Om geld te besparen kan je sowieso al je vrienden en familie en vage Skwuig-kennissen vragen of ze nog spullen overhebben. Dan hoef je niet in één keer alles nieuw te kopen, want dat kost gewoon teveel geld. Beter dat je even van een lelijke tafel eet dan dat je geen geld hebt om er eten op te zetten. Je vervangt langzamerhand gewoon alle (lelijke) tweedehandsspullen voor je eigen dingetjes.
En sites als gratisoptehalen.nl zijn meesterlijk, wat mensen al niet aanbieden voor niets!
Verder zijn winkels als Ikea, Hema en Xenos ideaal, want ze hebben leuke spullen en zijn redelijk goedkoop.

En zorg er natuurlijk voor dat je altijd iets van pizza of aardappelschotel of iets anders kant en klaars in de vriezer hebt liggen, je hebt niet altijd zin in koken en dan is dat een uitkomst!

Roep maar als je nog meer wilt weten :)

31/10/06 11:16  

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